Directors’ name: Michael Curtiz & William Keighley
Starring actors: Errol Flynn & Olivia de Havilland
Writing credits: Norman Reilly Raine, Seton I. Miller, Rowland Leigh
About a week ago I was at the Central Library (Aurora, CO) checking out some novels to read during this summer vacation and I decided to take some movies too because sometimes I get tired of reading. I checked out 3 movies, one of them “The Adventures of Robin Hood”. So I remembered that almost three years ago I read the book “Robin Hood” by Walter Scott -a Scottish writer- but I have a vague memory of what it is was basically about. It was another reason to see the movie.
Doing some research on the Internet, I found out that there isn’t a specific story for Robin Hood, although the basic and fundamental feature of them is that fighting for the poor against that nasty Royal Empire.
“The Adventures of Robin Hood” is a movie that has many things to offer. From the beginning to the end you will find a mixture of humor, tragedy, social dreams that cause the fighting for equal rights among people; and love born in a difficult situation in spite of everything. What more to ask for in a movie, huh?
I liked this movie a lot, in addition to the interesting script, it shows a good quality of images, music and above all: marvelous characters, who among Errol Flynn -a spectacular actor, good representative of Robin Hood, - and Olvia de Havilland -a beautiful actress who acts in the same way- make this a movie to remember, a milestone in the history of the legend of Robin Hood.
To end this complete movie inspection, modesty aside, while I was writing the movie’s features, I came up with the idea of being Robin Hood. Many actual politician characters of many countries pretend to act like him, they pretend to give the idea to the pueblo that they ARE with the poor, with the social and economically disadvantage people, that they KNOW their problems, and that they will FIGHT for their rights if they are given the chance to govern a district, a state, a city or a country which it is what is happening nowadays in countries like Peru. At the end, the pueblo realizes that he or she who promised to help them and now in the power, are showing their real appearance: being Price John, great tyrants that the only thing that they want is to fill their pockets with money and more money. What monsters!
So far what I see in politics, in the government of countries, there is no one as faithful as Robin Hood. There is just one Robin Hood that one in books and movies, who while reading and watching, gives us an example to follow, to keep in mind, and to express with our actions. This is literature (even though expressed through images: a movie), the art which changes lives to the better and with this said I get my video opinions started along with my novel ones.
I recommend this video. It's a must if you want to know the Robin Hood's legend. I give it 4 stars out of 5.
(Written a month ago)
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